Google Drive

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Google Drive has no desktop client for linux. There is however a tool which let's you mount your Google Drive. Here's how to use it.

Install the tool:

sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse

Create the folder you want to use for Google Drive:

mkdir "${gdrive:=~/gdrive}"  #  replace ~/gdrive for <the folder you want to use for google drive>

Run the following command to open a browser, directing you to a page that will ask you to allow access to your Google account (this might take a minute):


The next command will actually mount your Google Drive on your folder:

google-drive-ocamlfuse "${gdrive:=~/gdrive}" # replace ~/gdrive for <the folder you want to use for google drive>

Because you don't want to do that every time you login, add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:

[ -d "${gdrive:=~/gdrive}" ] || mkdir -p "${gdrive}"  # or any other path
if mount -v | grep -q "" ; then
    google-drive-ocamlfuse "${gdrive}"