Using newer gcc in /opt/netapps

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Revision as of 09:12, 18 August 2015 by Jurjen (talk | contribs) (Snippet failed for 5.2 Now it works)
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Gcc-5.2 is in /opt/netapps/gnu/gcc/5.2. In order for you to use it, this may have to be appended to your .profile, .bash_profile or whatever applies.

# This is a bash snippet, to be sourced from .profile


LIBDIRS="$(find ${GCCBASE} -iname \*\.so\.\* -exec dirname {} \;|sort |uniq|grep -v 32$|tr '\n' ':')"

# If you want the newer tools by default, put them at the beginning of $PATH
export PATH="${PATH}:${GCCBASE}/bin"

# Have Make pick the newer compiler
export CXX="${GCCBASE}/bin/g++"

# For good measure: default compiler flags for the C++ course
export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wall -std=c++14"

# This is for during compile: prefer newer headers

# This is for linking during build: prefer newer libraries
# (with 5.2, this seems to affect run-time)

# With 5.2, this affects build time

# This is for runtime linking: prefer older libraries
#export LD_RUN_PATH="${LD_RUNPATH}:${GCCBASE}/lib/../lib64"

# Man should also find the newer manpages
export MANPATH="${MANPATH}:${GCCBASE}/share/man"

Please note: /opt is *NOT* in, and should not be

Later versions

You may find that still later versions are available. Check /opt/netapps/gnu/gcc, and alter the above script by adjusting the line
