Installing the LWP

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Before you begin

Make a backup of any locally stored data you wish to keep to a usb device or your home directory. Your home directory is network storage and does not get touched during the installation.

If you have sudo rights, you should know where you’ve put your files. If you don’t have sudo rights, you can only have placed files in /mnt/D/ and /var/tmp or maybe in /tmp if you never restart your PC. Some of you will have extra disks in your PC, these will not be touched during the installation. If and how these extra disks are mounted differs greatly. If you have sudo rights, you can add them to the fstab yourself after the installation. Ask us to add them if you don’t.

The installation of the LWP will require 120GB of disk space. A dual-boot installation will require at least 250GB of disk space.

After you've made your backups, restart your PC.